29 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 11



Sm-I am greatly mistaken in my ideas of the spirit in which you conduct the Spectator, it you fail to remonstrate against the prices which have been demanded at Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres for seats on the occa- sions of the Queen's visits this week. I went to the Box-office of the latter house on Monday, to secure places; and, to in astonishment, found the price of a place in the first circle raised from five shillings to a guinea. I happened to express my surprise at this exorbitant charge, and was flippantly told by a fellow in attendance to go to Drury Lute, where they were asking two guineas. Seeing on Wednesday that the Lord Chamberlain had protested against the abuse, I made another call, but still the seats were a guinea each. Is not there an indecent avarice in this tax upon the loyalty of the public, which deserves to be reproved? is it not unfair to the pull!b.', by no means complimentary to her Majesty? is it not putting a price upon the Queen's popularity which is at variance with every feeling of propriety and good taste ? is it not- which I regard as a positive grievance-sjuutting the doors against all but the very rich? I ant contid. it there are hundie.:13 of families who can afford and would cheerfully indulge in a treat of this kind at the ordinary prices, who must reluctantly restrain themselves from the extrava- gance which the mercenary spirit of the proprietors would drive them to on these ocensions. I must add, that there appears the less excuse for extorting Stoney from the public when her Majesty goes to the theatre, if it be true, as generally reported, that both houses enjoy the patronage on liberal terms,- 4001. a year being the price paid for the Queen's box at Drury Lane, and 4001. at Covent Garden, and 100!. being allowed whenever she goes in state. I would suggest, that for the future, on occasions of this kind, the Lord Chamberlain should give the greedy lessees notice that if they take more than the usual charges, the Queen will stop at home. S.