The New Strand Theatre has been taken by The Wizard
of the North ; who, instead of a dark cave dimly lighted by a lamp, is "at home" in a carpetted room, resplendent with light and a glittering dis- play of magical implements, with an easy access to pit and boxes. The iVizard himself is a most urbane and courteous personage ; his pro- ceedings appear so fair and above-hoard, and his manner is so frank and open, that the wonders he does before your face astonish by their seem ing reality. It would be tedious to tell a twentieth part of the miracles he works; from making a pudding in the hat of one of the company, and handing it boiled that the audience may taste his cookery, to the perilous experiment of allowing himself to be shot at with a real gun loaded with ball in presence of the isiters, and fired by any one who offers. This Wizard of the North is certainly the King of Conjorors, by legitimate succession : his sleight of hand is dexterous in the extreme, and defies detection.