The attempt of the Privilege party to pack the meeting
at Free- mason's Hall last week was sure to be followed by a similar proceeding on the part of the Sheriffs' friends. The main difference is, that whereas Mr. Warburton, Mr. Hume, Mr. Wakley, and their party, only achieved a riot, the tactics of their adversaries were successful. Yesterday, another meeting was held at Freemason's Hall, from which all but freeholders with tickets ot' admission were excluded. The Morning Chronicle says, and we dare say trnly, that the Privilege men had great difficulty in procuring tickets, freely delivered to the other party. Be that as it may, an address to the !use u, condemning the conduct of the Commons, and praying for a diseeletion of Parliament, was regularly put, and carried by an overwhelming majority ; and Sir Francis Burdett, Mr. G. F. Young, and Colonel Wood obtained a hearing, for which Mr. Warburton pleaded for ten minutes in vain- elthough invited to speak, by the persons who had called the meeting. Sir John Scott Lillie was received more favourably ; but an amend- ment which he proposed, approving of the proceedings of the House, lamenting the imprisonment of the Sheriff, and recommending him to petition for his release, was negatived by acelamation.