A Handbook of Gymnastics and Athletics. By E. G. Ravenstein
and John Holley. (Triibner.) Gymnasts and Gymnastics. By John Howard. Second Edition. (Longmans.)—These two books treat of a most useful science, and one which has hitherto been somewhat neglected in Eng- land. Yet the study of it is beginning to spring up amongst us, and we hope the publication of these works will lead to its being more generally adopted. Of the two books before us, Mr. Howard's seems the best, while the other is more extensive. We are almost puzzled by the multiplicity of motions described by Messrs. Ravenstein and Hulley. The chief objection to Mr. Howard's book is that he too constantly refers the reader to one shop where gymnastic appliances are to be bought ; and it seems as if he wanted to puff the shop in question. But both the books are useful and suggestive, and one or the other ought to find its way to every school, whether public or private.