Thoughts on Men and Things. By Angelina Gushington. (Rivingtons.) —Lively
enough sketches, superficial, indeed, and more or less imita- tive. Their satire is sometimes forced, and the girlishness of tone bears marks of affectation. Still they are amusing to read, and in one or two eases their touch is happy. The young lady's answer to the arithmetical puzzle of "a goose weighs seven pounds and half its awn weight, what is the weight of the goose ?" is very good, especially as the young lady refuses to be put down by "let x equal half its own weight." So, too, the criticism on the picture of " Midsummer Moonlight, Dew Rising," about which Miss Gushington says that she thinks it has been inadver- tently turned upside down. But though Miss Gushington might think this, would she say it?