At the meeting of the proprietors of the London and
Liverpool and Globe Insurance Company the report read stated that the fire premiums received during last year amounted to 836,8161. 9s. 2d., against 818,0551. 12s. 9d. in 1866, the losses being 498,481/. 12s. 6d. and 628,1521. 17s. 4d. respectively. In the life department the new annual premiums amounted to 22,8001. 9s. 4d., and the renewals to 236,2381. 15s. 8d. ; the claims under policies were 170,4641. 2s. 6d.—The result of the poll of the Atlantic Telegraph Company shows a large majority in favour of the issue of 1,300,0001. Ten per Cent. Preferential Shares-20,298 votes being recorded in favour of and 8,498 against the issue. The Directors have extended the time for receiving applications to the 10th of March next.