29 FEBRUARY 1952, Page 28

AMONG the most successful of B.B.C. programmes is a series

,of questions and answers known as "Nature Parl:ament." The questions are all sent in by children and the experts claim that it is easy to spot any that really come from grown-ups. Some of them have been gathered together and are printed here with the added attraction of photographs. There is nothing more satisfy- ing to a child than an absolutely accurate answer to a question. The names of the experts who answer these questions speak for themselves and to the adult, as well as to the child, the book is satisfying. Beginning with questions about the Loch Ness Monster, they range through mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and many other creatures, finishing with the moon and the stars. Those children who are able to listen to the programme will like to. have the book for reference. Those who have never heard it will be drawn to listen. in future by the attraction of the