Tuesday, Jan. 25.
Milward and Aakren. Nottingham, grocers-Perfect and Smith. Redford, book- binders-Barkes and Miller, Bishop Wearmouth. shoemakers - Young and White, Bishop Wearmouth. attoroies-at-law-Davis sod Wflaoo. Nottingham. hosiers-J. 0. and G. A. Mills, Chelteultam, wine-merchants--Smith and Hattersley. Chorley, con- tractors for public works-Dawson and Heald, Wakefield, surgeous-J . and J. White, Shaftesbury. tailors-Heidemau. and Co. London, merchants'Gillham and Co. Thu- greaves, Lancashire, hat-manufacturers; as far as regards N. Denton-Barlow and Green. Manchester, joiners-Walker and Co. Maryport, Cumberlaud, grocers-Ireson and Jeremy, Oxford Street, shoe-makers-W. and H. Smith, Farnham, rope-manu- facturers -J. and J. Grieves, New Street, St. Martin's Lane, cheesemongers -Parker and Co. Newcastle-epee-Tyne. insurance-brokers; as far aaregards R. Rennoldson- Coke and Lockman, lianchester, lacemen-Morris and Bowen, Bolton Street, court dressmakers -Wolstenholme and Shipton, Watling Street, smiths-Bakewell and Adams, Baotou-upon-Trent, printers-Spurgeou and Co. Anchor Yard. Old Street; fur skin-dyers-Pars and Morley. Oxford Street, jewellers -Molineux and Hannath. BagWt, Fltntshire. brewers-Alderson and Uttley, Halifax, tailors-King and Preface, George Street. Hanover Square, buttonmanufacturers Waithman and Trueman, Old Broad Street, silk brokers-Millers and Derome. Salford, marblemasom-J. and J. Mallett, Back Street, Horselydown, plumbers-Douglass., and Mexauder, New- castle-upon-Tyne, horae.dealers-Sanderson and Hicks, King William Street, City, auctioueers-Hill and Adams. Bow Lane. commission-ageuts- Drake and Jagger. Almondbury, cloth finishers-Brown and Bond. Liverpool, pawnbrokers-Dewburst and Co. Chorley, engaavers to calico-printers; as far as regards .1. Walker-Wilson and Headband, Leeds, woollendrapers-W. and J. Sneak. Sunderlaud, woollen- drapers-Speakman and Stephenson. Fleetwood.upou.Wyre, shipamiths-Benson and Simpson. Newcastle-upon-1'pm, printeraW. and T. Howard. Paddington Street, Manchester Square. bricklayers-T. and J. Carey, Lougton, eartiumwareanauufac- tamers -Condon and Haiusworth. Liverpool, brewers-Brodurret and Co. Mansfield, maltsters; as far as regards W. Brodhurst senior-Oak and Co. Kensington. butchers- Weutworth and Co. Clements Lane. ale-merchants-A. and G. T. Wilson, York, shoemakers-M. M. and E. R. EVROS, Broseley; Shropshire, mercers-Flowers and Co. Deeply. Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-Gittins and Wood, Shrewsbury, wine- merchants-Greenwood and Co- Bradford, Yorkshire, iron-founders; as far &s&
W. Greenwnod -Rushton and Swale, Bishop Monkton. paper-makers-Pardoe and Armstrong, Birmingham, gilt-toy-makers-B. and T. Cobb, Ivychurch, Kent. graziers -Senrfield and ro. Sunderland, brewers-Hodge and Beaumont, Vauxhall Bridge Road. potters -Bretherton and Archer. Liverpool, solicitors-Marshall aud Co. Devon- port, blacksmiths ; aS far as regards R. Marshall.
CAsrros, CHARLES Aucoorms, Upper Montague Street, merchant. Jan. 25. Cuevas, WILLI Am. King's Lynn. brewer. Jan. 22. PARcONs, Joists. Mansfield, etaltster. Jan. 24. TOWNSHEND, TRomAs junior, North Petherton, Somerselshire, builder. Jan. 22.
BURNIE, Tokenhouse Yard. merchant. to surrender Feb. 4. March 8: solicitors, Merest. Brown and Co. Mincing Lane; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. CHRTSTrz, W. New North Street, Red Lion Square. bookbinder, Feb. 3. March 8: solicitor. Mr. Starling, Leicester Square; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermaubury. CHIUsTELOW, Cimaxss, York, soollendraper. Feb. 15, March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Hill. Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Blanchard and Richardson, York. Cuisser, Jous. Blackfriars Road. jeweller. Feb. 3, March 8 solicitors. Messrs. Rolfe and Edmunds, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. [AYCOCK, Jaime. Colne, Lancashire. tallow chandler. Feb. 2. March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Hardacre. Colne.
MURRAY. E. T. Church Street. Newington. leather-seller, Feb. 1, March 8: solicitor, Mr. Loughborough, Austinfriars; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. SHARP, ROBERT JOHNSON. Liverpool. victualler, Feb. 5. March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple; aud Mr. Joues. Liverpool.
SPEARS. GEORGE OGILVY. Fleet Street, laceman, Feb. 7. March 3: solicitors. Messrs. Sole. Aldermanbury ; official assignee. Mr. Graham. Baeinghall Street. WEBB. ALFRED. Liverpool. carpet seller, Feb. 9, March 8: solicitors, Messrs. John- son and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Higson and Son, Manches'er. WELLDON. SAMITEL EDDLESToNE. Cambridge, butcher. Feb. 4. March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Clark and Davidson. Essex Street, Strand; aud Mr. Eaden junior. Cambridge. W1LCOCKS, WILL/AM. Bracknell, Berkshire, sadler. Feb. 1, March 8: solicitors, Bridger and Co. Fiusbury Circus; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basingliall Street.
Feb. 17. Knell, Millbrook, Hampshire. cattle-dealer-Feb. 17, Fernyhoueh, Read- ing, bookseller -Feb. 17, Baufield, Cheapside, silversmith--Feb. 17. Perkins, Upper Street. Islingtou, upholsterer-Feb. 17, Lewis, Ebley, Gloucestershire, manufacturer-Feb. 15, Philpot and Co. St. Swithiu's Lane. coal-merchants-Feb. 15. May, Fenchtsch Street. merchant Feb.I6, Peirce, Bedford.tailor-Feb.15. Williams, Aldgate. linendraper-Feb. 15, Rowland, Horsham, linendmper -Feb. 18. Cunliffe. Green Haworth, shopkeeper-Feb. 24. Bird, Bridgend. stationer-Feb. 19, Pinker, Masbrough, seed-crusher- Feb. 16. Thompson. South Shields, shipowner-Feb. 16,
Morse. Birmingham. lacemau -Feb. 18. Smith, Preston, slater-April 18. Barbey- and
Loe, Portsmouth, bankers-Feb. 26. Boult and Addison. Liverpool. stockbrokers- Feb. 21. Austin, Manchester. brick-maker-Feb. 18, Arthur and Forster, Newcastle.
upon-Tyne, linendmpers-Feb. 15. Morison. Great Malvern, lodging-house keeper- Feb. 16, C and A. Potts, Monkwearmouth Shore. shipbuilders - Feb.18, Baker. Wood- lands, Somersetehire, scrivener. CERTIFICATES
Time granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on Or Wore Feb. 15.
Knell, Millbrook, Hampshire, cattle-dealer-Axmann and Christ, Mark Lane, mer- chants-Cooper and Co. Staverton Mills, Wiltshire. clothiers-Thompson. Newcastle. upon-Tvue. butcher -Roskell, Liverpool, tailor-Tapp, Weohly, grocer-Tripp and Bents flelfast, distiller. - Weatherby, Newmarket, cotton spinuer-P.ohes. Birming- ham, wine-merchant-Rose. Monkwearmouth Shore, grocer-Ouston, Kingston-upon- Hull, sawyer - Greenaway, Bristol. painter-Lafargue. Great St. Helen's, merchant- Bingley, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, brushmaker.
ALLAN. JAMES, and Warsorr, Wisuast, Johnstone. cotton-spinners. Jan. 31, Feb.24. %macs, Jour/. Glasgow. zebm•shawl-manufacturer. Jan. 28. Feb. 18. LerruusAD, TirostAs and Co. Glasgow, coach-builders, Jan. 31, Feb. 21. MArrizsosr, Jour; and Co. Glasgow, calico-printers, Jau. 29. Feb. 22. MI3NRO, Jose and DAVID. Tullich. Koss-shire, builders. Jan. 28, Feb. 18.
SPENCE, Wittiest, Edinburgh, silk.mereer, Jan. 31. Feb. 21. WHYTE. DAVID, Cortachy, wool-merchant, Feb. 2, March 2.
Friday, Tan. 28.
Foster and Robins junior, Albany Road, Old Kent Road, tea-dealers-F. W. and E. Sparks, Norwich, oatmealmanufacturets - Pullen and Lowe. Wandsworth. schoolmis- tresses -BMus and Clifford, Iiirmingham, surveyors-Salisbury and Co. Liverpool, brokers; as far as regards N Salisbury-Rouser and Parkinson. Bradford, lineiadra- pers-W. L., IL. and E. Sargent, Birmingham. sword-cutlers-C. and J. Dawson, Wolfram. Cheshire, slaters-Burnell and Bathe, Wells, Somersetshire, bakers - dtheeler and Co. Cheapside, calico-printers • as far as regards W. Wheeler-J. and W. Robinson, Oldham, cotton-spinners-E. aneC. Reeves, Bath. statuaries-Smith and Back, Homsey Road, nurserymen-Hannah and Hornby-Beaty and Pearson, Hat- field Peverel. Essex, railway-contracture-Evans and Garrett. Derby. milliners-T. and A. Briscoe. Birmingham, plumbers-T.. H.. and G. Warre, Fenchurch Street; as far as regards H. Vt'arre-Norris and Sleddou, Liverpool, chaitecablemuumfacturers - Smith and Co. Leeds, Germau clockmakers; as far as regards J. Shwerer.
AARONS, BEN/AMIN, Knowles Court, Doctors' Commons, furrier.
ARTHUR. DAVID and JOHN. Neath. Glamorganshire. ironmasters, to surrender Feb. 18. Minch 11: solicitors, Messrs. Egan and Co. Essex Street, Strand.
BARBARO. Groans. Portsea, coal-merchant, Feb. 11, March 11: solicitors, Mr. Clare, Sine Lane ; aud Mr. Low, Portsea,
Broms, WILLIAM EDWARD. Neath, Glamorganshire, plumber. Feb. 18, March 11: so- licitors, Messrs. Lake and Waldron, Basinghall Street ; and Mr. Hargreaves, Neath.
CASSIDY. Geoaos Beaxessy KinitwooD, Bucklesbury, merchant. Feb. 8, March 11 solicitors, Messrs. Buckley and Sanders, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson: Basinghall Street.
CHAMBERS, WILLIAM, Oxford. organ-builder, Feb. 5, March 11: solicitors, Messrs. Philpot and Son, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; and Mr. Backstrow, Oxford.
Comes. ARTHUR, and THOMPSON, ALFRED, Brighton. sugar-manufacturers, Feb. 5, March 11: solicitor, Mr. Peukivil, West Street, Fiusbury Circus.
Davies, RoBERT, Mallwyd, Merionethshire, flannel-manufacturer, Feb. 16, March 11: solicitors, Messrs. Price and Bolton, Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. Davis, Machyntleth. Gramme, SAIITJEL ROBERT. London Wall, victualler, Feb. 9, March 11: solicitor, Mr. Billing, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.
Holm, HENRY, Peckham, bookseller. Feb.4. March 11; solicitor, Mr. Dover, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard.
Stamens, JOHN, Manor Place, King's Road, Chelsea, baker. Feb. 8, March 11: so- licitors, Messrs. Harrison, Walltrook ; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
SHARMAN, FREDERICK, Barge Yard, Bucklesbury, shoe-factor. Feb. 8, March 11; so- licitor, Mr. Gale, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry,
STEPHENSON, Pares, Manchester, mercer, Feb. 7. March 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Baxter. Liiicolo's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Sale and Worthington, Manchester. &roes. EDWARD James. Belle Sauvage Yard. Ludgate Hill, card-manufacturer, Feb.4, March II: solicitors. Messrs. Davison and Coombs, Bread Street. Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Basinghall Street, THomrSON. JAMEs, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joiner, Feb. 18, March 11; solicitors, Messrs. Crosby and Compton, Old Jewry; and Mr. Hoyle, Newcastle upon-Tyne.
WILSON, RICHARD, Blyth Tile-shed, Northumberland brick-manufacturer, Feb.23, March IL : solicitors, Messrs. Crosby and Compton,DIc Jewry; and Mr. Hoyle, New- casile-upou Tyne.
WoosTER, THOMAS, junior, Liverpool Street, merchant, Feb. 11, March 11: solicitor, Mr. Stephen, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. DIVIDENDS.
Feb. 18. LiBleford, High Street, Maryleboue, coachmaker-Feb. 21, Smith, Pump Row, Old Street Road, timber-merchant-Feb. 24, Morgan, AlforeL. Lincolnshire, grocer-Feb 21. Jubbef; Oiford, wine-merchant-March 29. Mallard and Co. Can- terbury. bankers-March 1. Watts, Great Massingham, Norfolk, grocer-Feb. 21. Root, Wardiugton. Oxfordshire, draper.
To be granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 18.
Reuss. Liverpool. merchant-Seldon, Old Trinity House, Water Lane, wine-mer- chant.
laws.% Amts. Whisky Houses, near Ilawick. brewer, Feb. 2, March 2, Ross, Reimer, Dalkeith, tailor. Feb. 4,25.
Moams, Issas, Toward, Argyleshire, builder, Feb. 4, 25.