29 JANUARY 1842, Page 20



&tardily Monday.

(Closing Tuesday. Prices.) FVednes. Thurs. Friday.

3 per Cent. Consols 894 894

89 891 89 Ditto for Account ..


894 894 891 3 per Cents. Reduced

894 del

89/ 891 1591 31 per Cents Reduced 994 994

994 991 994 New 34 per Cents 981 981

981 981 981 Long Annuities 124 12e

121 121 12t

Bank Stock, 7 per cent.


168 1671 1684 India Stock, 104 247+

248 248 '2484 Exchequer Bills. 24 per diem. 17 pm. 17


17 19 India Bonds, 34 per cent 12 pm. 13


(Last Official Quotat ion during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) Sp. C t. - Mexic.an 5p. Ct. 294 Arkansas (1863) 6 Ditto (Deferred) 5 -

Austrian 5 - Michigan 6 -

Belgian 5 - 1024 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 -

Brazilian 5 65 Neapolitan 5 -

Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 -


5 -

Ohio NewYork (1855) 6



Chiliau 6 - - Pennsylvania 5 -

Columbian of 1824 6 - 211 Peruvian 6

Delilah 3 - 814

Portuguese a -

20 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 514 Ditto 5 - 551 Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1014 Ditto (New) 5 - 331 French 3 - - Russian 5 1154 Ditto 5 - 117f. Spanish 5 - - 241 Indiana (Sterling) 6 - 21 Ditto (Passive) 51 Illinois 6 - 34 ex d. Ditto (Deferred) '

Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - - South Carolina Tennessee 5 p. Ct. 6 -

Maryland 6 - - United States Bank


Massachussetts (sterling)5 - - Virginia 5 -


during the Week, ending Friday Evening.) BANKS - Australasian .--- 8 British North American -

- Colonial 27

- London and Westminster - - - London Joint Stock 124' 25 National of Ireland ...... - National Provincial 35 ex d.

141 Provincial of Ireland 401 ' - Union of Australia 301

Union of London 91 ex d. 85 DOCKS- 199 East and West India 102

364 Loudon 734 111 St. Katherine. 44 ex d.

64 hiniczmerotoos -

170 Australian Agricultural 37

114 British American Laud - 754 General Steam 244 80 New Zealand .

71 Royal Mail Steam 264 South Australian 59 Van Diemeu's Land BULLION.


Gold, Foreign in Bars .....per os. 81. 175. 94. Copper, British Cakes. .per ton 961. fla to 98 0

Old Spardsh or Muss Dollars.... 0 0

0 Iron, British Bars 5 15 0- 7 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 10 Lead, British Pig 10 ILO 0- 20 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0



Steel, English 35 0 O■ SO 0 GRAIN, Maim Lass, Jan. 28th.

There has been a tolerably fair supply of English Wheat during the week, and the trade continues exceedingly dull, with a difficulty in tne dine:Rat of the coarse and inferior runs (many of which are left over from Monday,),except at reduced prices. For Foreign Wheat the demand is equally slow, and although there is no positive de- cline in prices, it would be scarcely possible to make sales to any extent unless at a reduction. English Barley continues in liberal supply, and monsters and distillers purchase slowly at present, whilst prices are scarcely so good as at the beginning of the week. In Beans and Peas there is very little doing, but without any material altera- tion in value. The fresh supplies of Oats are moderate, but the market exhibits a good show of samples altogether, and there seems no disposition on the part of dealers or consumers to increase stocks at present.

Wheat, RedNew S4 to 56

RIB 156 toss


6. 6.

SY to 84 Oats, Feed ... 18 to 20 Fine 62 .. 66 Barley.... 50..55 White . la .. 34 Fine 20 .. 21 White 5I3 .. 60 Malting SO .. 31 Boilers 84 86 Poland 11.. 04 Fine 64 . 66 Mall, Ordinary. 58 .. 56 Beans, 'licks .. NI . 29 Fine IS . 26 Superfine/Seem .. 613 Fun GO .. 52 Old 55,. 87 Potato as .. ell

Old 68 .. 72

Peas, Hog 80 . 81 Harrow SR.. 86 Fine .... 27 .,65 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY

ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales.

For the present Week.

Wheat Barley 29 8 Bess 55 7c1 'Rye. .... 41s. 104 ar 55 II Wheat Barley Sts Bd. 1 Rye 18 4 Beans 81.64. LC 9

Oats.... ..... 20 5 Peas.... ...... 56 0

Oats •

16 9 Peas ..........


ELTITER-Heat Fresh, 1511.0d. per dos. Carlow, 41. 12s. to 41.18e.per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. Ma to Si. CHEESE. Cheshire 56s. to flos Derby Plain 60s. to 66s HAMS, York 781. to 89s.

EGGS, French- per 150 5s. 6d. to Os HAY AND STRAW. (Per Loadof 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECHAPEL.

93s... 100s


E0..98 .. 0 SO .. SO 0 .. 0

0 . 0 0 . 0 114 .. 118 01 .. 108 BO .. 110 ..... 30 .. 120 38 .. 43 34 .. 88 88 . 42 54 .. 42 POTATOES.

York Reds Ware per ton 70s. to 89s. 0 0 Middlin • - 0 Chats 0- 0 . , BUTCHERS' MEAT.


Beef Its. 2d. to 3,15d. to 45. itd. a.. 6d. to 40. 44 to 45. 109.

Mutton II II .. 8 8 .. 4 4 810 ,,4 6 50

Veal 44 .. 5 0 .. 5 6 5 0 .. 0 0 .. 6 0 Pork 4 4 .. 5 0 .. 5 8 44 .. 3 0 ,.5 4

Lamb 11 0 ,.0 It ..0 0' • 'I's sink the offal-per nibs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Pig..

Friday .... .............. .... 330 .. 1,918 112 914 Monday 2.557 21.450 tO 550 GROCERIES.

TEA, Boles, fine, p. lb. 0s, Od. - Oe. Od. Coogan, fine 0 s4 -0 It

Souchong, Soc. 0 0 -4 0 • In Rond-Duty 2s. Id. per lb. COFFEE, fine (in lid) per cwt. I17s. 1441,

Good Ordinary 69, tons. SUGAR, Mu-eovado. pet cwt 39,4d.

West India Molasses... 236 0d. to 30s. (Last Official Quotation


Butanes Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Key) .... British Iron Candonga Cobra Copper


Cheltenham and Great Western Eastern Couuties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester Loudon and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon and Croydon ......

Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties

North Midland....

South-Eastern and Dover South-Western FLOUR.

Town-made.... ........ ....per sack MU. to Sta. Seconds 55 59 Ease: and Suffolk, on board ship 50 - 55 Norfolk and Stockton 50 - 55 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os, BREAD, Bd. to 104. the 41b. Loaf.

• • - •

Hay, Good Infenor New Clover Straw, Wheat Kent Pockets Choice Ditto Sussex Pockets Superfine Ditto HOPS. 105s. to 18Ds. 140 - 160 103 -i15 150 186 OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Base Oil per tan 441. 6s. 45 0 Linseed Oil 81 0 Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 13 10 CANDLES, per dozen, Os.O.L to Os Od. Moulds (sd per doz. discount) Os. Od. COALS, Hetton tag. Od.

Tees 21.. 9d.