MONEY MARKET. -era. -Exar....m. FILIVAN ndnm mw.
The Muglitila 'Stock ?dulcet has exhibited increased 'firmness this evecilt; which has been attributed chiefly to the favourable reaction-on the Paris Bourse. A. demand for Stook on the part of the pliblic !has existed, and .a purchaser of 30,000/. by the Government-brokers on Wednesday added Wits stability. Some of the leading discount-houses have declined to increase the allewanee for money at call, under an idea that the late crime in the xate .of,leng.dtuntiou.: Ilisgbett :bilis have been negotiable.ata Telegraphic quotations from Vienna atilt show an unfavourable state of the money-market. Remittances of gold to the Continent appear to have ceased; but to Australia large sums continue to be shipped. Consols, which closed on Saturday at 994 f, this week ranged between 991 and 99k, until Wednes- day, when they rose to 99k at which they closed on that and the follow- ing day. This morning they were firm at I advance, owing to a rise of kin the French Funds : subsequent sales caused a decline, closing officially at 991 f, and after the usual hour f below it. No alteration was made yester- day in the Bank rate of discount. Bank Stock is k higher ; Exchequer Bills have not altered.
In Foreign Stocks there has been very little activity. Spanish declined early in the week, from a succession of sales; and on Tuesday the Three per Cents were done as low as 451: they have since rallied to 47. All the lead- ing Securities are the same as last week, but an improvement of 1 has oc- curred in Dutch Four per Cents, and 24 in Sardinian. The Committee of Turkish Bondholders are in immediate expectation of receiving an answer to a memorial concerning their claims addressed to the Sultan in December. Accounts from Amsterdam allude to the contemplated reduction of interest on the Dutch Four per Cents. New Bonds are to be issued, bearing 31 per cent at the price of 99 as a minimum, or ifpossible, at the rate of 34 per cent at the price of 97. In the first ease, the interest will be guaranteed for a term of four years, and in the second for eight years. Should the holders consent to such terms, they will receive in cash the difference between the par value of the old bonds and the price of the new.
Heavy fluctuations occurred on Monday in the Shares of the Australian Agricultural Company, from a fear that the settling-day might be delayed. The Shares opened at 240, fell to 217, then rallied to 225 230 on its being known that the Directors would arrange the transfer-books so that the settle- ment may take place on the 1st of February : they close today at 235 245.
The Riiilway Market has undergone no extensive variations, and on the whole is firm. It was favourably influenced on Wednesday by the firm state of Consols, but subsequently became a little lower, owing to arrangements in connexion with the settlement of the account yesterday. The rate of Continuation was lower ; proving that a check has been given to extensive speculations for the rise. At the dose of businessayesterday, the difference in some of the principarShares compared with Saturday last wain° the fol- lowing extent. Increase—East Lancashire, 3/. ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and South-western, 1/. ; North British, 108. Decrease—Great Western, 1/. ; Midland, Oxford, Worces- ter, and Wolverhampton, and South-eastern, 108. ; Bristol and Exeter, and London and North-western, were of the same value as last week. An im- provement in the following French Shares has taken place—Paris and Or- leans, and Paris and Rouen, 11.; Western of :France, 10s.; Northern of France, Paris and Lyons, and Paris and Strasbourg, 5s. A decline of 10s. has occurred in Rouen and Havre, and in Southern of France, 58. This morning, there was a slight improvement in English and Foreign lines, which was subsequently lost.
SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx.
The English Funds have continued stationary, and with little business doing: Consols for Money and Account 991 f:. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is an improvement of 2 per cent in Buenos Ayres, which is now 65 8; and a slight decline in Turkish Scrip, which leaves off 41 discount. In Australian Agricultural Shares only one price has been marked-244. - In the Railway Market the transactions have been very limited, and with- out change in prices. The following are the latest bargains recorded—Amber- gate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 64 ; Bristol and Exeter, 108f ; Caledonian, 641; Chester and Holyhead, 24 ; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 54; Eastern Counties, 124; East Lancashire, 761 ; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 77 ; Great Northern 76 ; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, 117 ; Great Southern and Western, Vreland,) 1034 ; Great Western, 89 ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 89; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 78f ; Ditto s, 101 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 105f ; London and North- western, 1204; Ditto Fifths, 15 ; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C., 24 ; Lon- don and South-western, 904 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 30; Northern Counties Union, 4; North British, 36; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 492 ; Scottish Midland, 641; Shrewsbury and Birmingham Class A, 69; South-eastern, 794; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 124; York and North Midland, 554 ; Chester and Holyhead Guaranteed 54 per Cent, 191; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, 144 ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1271; Great Weatern, fixed 44 per Cent, 108f ; -York and North Midland H. and S. Purchase, 104. Foreign—Northern of France, 331; Paris and Lyons, 244; Paris and Strasbourg, 30f ; Sambre and Meuse, 94. Mines—Mexican and South American, 4f ; United Mexican, 74 ; West Mariposa, 1. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 814; Union of Austra- lia, 74 ex div. Miscellaneous—Royal Mail Steam, 824. ' 3 per Cent Consols 4 Danish 3 per Cents 84 6
• Ditto for Account 991 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 65 6 3 per Cent Reduced 3 Long Annuities 1004 I Ditto 4 per Cents 103 Mexican 3 per Cents 97 84 34 per Cents .1 22 3 6 7-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 10 4 Bank Stock Exchequer Bills 227 8 Portuguese 5 per Cents1824. 371 84 ex d
57 61 Russian 5 per Cents 18 20
India Stock 270 3 Ditto 44 per Cents 103 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Spanish 3 per Cents 47 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Ditto Deferred
. Chin 6 per Cents 106 8 Sardinian 5 per Cents NI 4
Danish 5 per Cents. 106 8 Austrian Scrip 7 9 SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The English Funds continue at the depressed quotation at which they closed yesterday, and the increase in the return of bullion by the Bank of England has had no favourable influence. Consols for Money and Account are 991 I. In Foreign Stocks not the least change has yet occurred. The Railway Market is dull. The following bargains have been recorded—Ches- ter and Holyhead, 24; Great Western, 88i ; London and North-western, 1201; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 69.