The City of Manchester arrived yesterday at Liverpool with advises
front New York to the 16th January. In answer to Mr. Seward's reso- lution in the Senate calling for any official correspondence in possession of the Executive relative to the case of the supposed slaver Wanderer, President Buchanan states that the Government had official information, establishing the fact that a cargo of over 300 negroes were landed on the coast of Georgia from that vessel. The President also states that pro- ceedings arc in progress for the detection and punishment of the violators of the law against the African Slave-trade.
The United Congregations of Israelites in New York appealed to Pre- sident Buchanan to interfere on behalf of the boy Mortara. Mr. Bu- chanan replies by a declaration of policy— "I have long been convinced that it is neither the right nor the duty, of this Government to exercise a moral censorship over the conduct of other independent Governments, and to rebuke them for acts which we may deem arbitrary and unjust towards their own citizens or subjects. Such a prac- tice would tend to embroil us with all nations. We ourselves would not permit any foreign power thus to interfere with our domestic concerns, and enter protests against the legislation or the action of our Government towards our own citizens. If an attempt of this kind were made, we should promptly advise such a Government in return to confine themselves to their own affairs, and not intermeddle with our concerns. It is, perhaps, fortu- nate that the assertion of the principle of non-intervention on the part of the United States between foreign Sovereigns and their own subjects has arisen in a ease so well calculated to enlist our sympathies as that of the Mortara family. For this reason the precedent will be so much the stronger, aud be entitled to the more binding force. It is enough for us to defend the nights of our own citizens, under treaties of the Law of Nations, whenever and wherever these may be assailed by the Government of any fo- reign country."