Colonel Sir Henry Storks has been appointed Lord High Com-
missioner of the Ionian Islands in succession to Mr. Gladstone. He is familiarly acquainted with the languages and character of the people of the South of Europe. His able administration at Scutari, as command- ant, during the latter half of the Crimean war is well known.
At the meeting of the Royal Institution last night, Mr. W. R. Grove delivered the first lecture of the Friday evening series for the present session "On the Electrical Discharge, and its Stratified Appearance in Rarefied Media." The subject im one of considerable interest as afford- ing a probable explanation of the Aurora Borealis, which is only observed under peculiar electrical conditions of the atmosphere, and at an altitude in which great rarefaction must exist. The lecture was illustrated by several beautiful experiments.
Mr. S. C. Hall delivered the first of his lectures on "The Authors of the Age," at Willie's Rooms, last night. His reminiscences are all vi- vified by personal knowledge, and when he retraces the characteristics of Walter Scott, Hannah More Crabbe, Montgomery, Amelia Opie, Cole- ridge, Southey, Letitia Landon, Sydney Smith, Thomas Moore, and Charles Lamb, Mr. Hall is discoursing of his friends. The large rooms -were thronged. The next lecture will be delivered on Friday next.