Stock Excite:los, FRIDAY ArrEExo0N.
Operations on the Stock Exchange have this week been of a very moderate character, the uncertainty felt about Continental affairs at times almost suspending business altogether. The majority of bargains have been made among the dealers themselves, the public for the most part abstaining for the present from acting to any extent. The consequence is, that although the market is liable to be swayed by the movements of the Paris Bourse, the fluctuations have been entirely unimportant, Consols closing this afternoon precisely as at the opening on Monday. The Government Broker still con- tinues daily to invest 20,000/. on account of the Savings Banks. Money is very abundant, and Loans obtainable at from 1 to 11 per cent; India De- bentures are last quoted 991 1; New Three per Cents and Reduced, 961 91; Bank Stock, 227 229, and Consols, 961 95/. In the Foreign Market Turkish Scrip has been dealt in considerably all the week. The. price was at one time as low as 7 discount, but a rally has since taken place, and the market closes rather steady at 6 51 discount ; Old Six per Cent Ditto, 91 94; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 91 92; Ditto Three per Cent, 71 72; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 76 77; Ditto barren, 8486. 84 86. Favourable adviees from Mexico have caused Mexican Bonds to advance 1 per cent to-day. 'The quotatien is not quite so firm at the close, but that may probably be attributed to sales for realization only. In other things only a limited business has been done, prices exhibiting little change ; Venezuela Active' 431 441; Brazilian (1868), 94 941 ; Sardinian is dull at the price' 941 951; Victor Emmanuel, 90 91; Mexican' 201 201 ; Spanish Three per Cents 45 451; Portuguese 47 471. Money has been very plentiful at about 4 per cent.
In Railway Shares only a moderate business has been passing, and prices are but slightly altered from the latest of last week. The half-monthly settlement, which took place today, occupied the chief attention, there being scarcely any speculation in either of the Markets. The leading lines I
close as follows—Midland, 1021 103; Great Western 56/ 55j; London and North-Western, 96 96j; Lancashire and Yorkshire,' 96/ 97 ; Caledonian t (Shares), 43 431 ; London and Brighton, 1081 110 ex div. • South Eastern and Dover, 221 221 • Great Northern (Shares), 26 261; div.; Counties, 621 ; 621; Manchealer, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 37 381 ,• Berwick, 93 931 „ Contangos and rates of interest have been remarkably light this Account. The French Market has been comparatively steady, and Quotations show very little material alteration. The settling day in the New Lombardo- Venetian Shares is fixed for Thursday, the 3d of February ; the price is 1 /- premium, and for the old shares 1 * premium ; Paris and Lyons, 331 1 ; Northern of France, 371 1 ; Southern of France, 201 21; Paris and Stras- bourgs, 261 27.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 26th day of Jan. 1958.
Notes issued £33,031,985 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 3.459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 19,356,885 Silver Bullion _ : £33,031,885 £33,031,893'
Proprietors 'Capital £14,852,000 Government Securities (hitin- Rest' 3,253 769 ding Dead WeightA.nnuity). £10,898,807 Public Deposits* 6,620.053 Other Securities 16,595,620 Other Deposits 15,037,904 Notes 12,921,100 Seven Days and other Bills .. 861,370 Gold and Silver Coin 620,969 £10,236,486 £40,236,496
• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,Commhnionersof National Debt, & Dividend Acct..