The reports of the illness of Frederick, Earl of Ripon,
will have prepared the public for the announcement of his death. He died yesterday at his house oh Putney heath, at the ripe age of seventy-seven. Our elder readers will remember him as Mr. Robinson, then Lord Goderich, and finally as Earl of Ripon, a member of several Cabinets, and, for a short period, the head of one. It is impossible not to look with regret on the departure of a statesman so well-meaning, so accomplished, and in every sense so thorougly accomplished. The title and estates descend to George Frederick, heretofore Lord Goderieh and Member for the Wed Riding. His accession to the power and opportunities of his position is regarded with much hopefulness by his personal friends, by consistent politicians, and a large section of the Liberal party. The Pattie contradicts the news of the death of the Marquise Letizia-Pe- poli Murat, a scion of the Bonaparte family ; but the Diritto of Turin, again confirms it, adding that she expired of an attack of apoplexy.