[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,- -Is it possible to establish a permanent school of prayer where all who are anxious to learn the elements of prayer may find their opportunity ? We are witnessing three results of continual prayer :—in the growth of the League of Nations, the opening of doors in heathen countries to the Church's messengers, and the strengthening of the Church at home by the increase of the diocesan episcopate. Steady intercession always brings most wonderful results.
There are many who look upon prayer as a duty but are prevented from giving more time to it because they are ignorant of its methods and its working. If we had a central school of prayer presided over by one who has graduated in that most spiritual of all seats of learning—the University of Prayer—I am sure that its doors would be besieged by an ever-increasing throng of men and women. It would lead to the opening of all places of worship throughout the country for private prayer every day, and help to break down that sham division which has been set up, dividing the sacred from the secular.
The man who will endow a school of prayer will do more for Humanity than any one has done since the Master put into the hands of His people this greatest weapon of Christendom,