29 JANUARY 1977, Page 25


Sir: In her Christmas message the Queen appealed for a spirit of reconciliation. May we pray that her advisers, who are our rulers, will respond to this appeal with regard to Rhodesia? Her Majesty spoke of Our early reconciliation with the American Colonies. Is not reconciliation with Rhodesia already overdue?

Pursuing the myth of 'majority rule,' we have now for eleven years done all in our Power to destroy the best-governed country in Africa, and how people who call themselves Christians can do this baffles me.

Not only does it seem totally immoral and against all Christian principles, but it is also suicidal.

The enemies of the West are not interested in the welfare of black Africans. Things they

°re interested in include the mineral wealth of Southern Africa and our trade round the Cape.

Once the West has voluntarily relinquished the benefits of these, the conse

quences are not difficult to foresee. Having succumbed to communism, the West will be Powerless to help or defend itself, let alone the 'underdeveloped' countries.

Hesketh I he Manor House hale, Near Liverpool