The net result of the Elections shows a majority for
the Liberals in England and Wales—counting the Leominster election as cer- tain to result in the return of a Conservative—of 40, in Scotland of 33 or 35, according to the ultimate result of the Dumbarton- shire election, and in Ireland an exact tie between the ordinary Liberals and ordinary Conservatives, without counting the eleven independents, Sir George Bowyer and Co., who are quite uncer- tain. The exact figures will be found to be as follows :—
ENGLAND AND Wezss Liberals 270
Conservatives 229 Leominster (Mr. Hardy returned also for Oxford University) 1 500
SCOTLAND Liberals 43
Conservatives 9 Drmbartonshire (Double return) 1
ISELAND Liberals 47 53
Conservatives 47 - Irish Independents (Sir G. Bowyer and Co.) 11 105
TorAus Liberals (including I double return) 361
Conservatives (including 1 double return) 286 Irish Independent Opposition 11 658 There will also be a fresh election for Leominster. The work- ing majority may be said to be at least 60.