29 JULY 1911, Page 13

[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—May I correct an

error into which a Northern Noncon. formist (Spectator, July 22nd) has fallen in stating that I ascribe to the Free Churches all the blame for the disunion now prevailing amongst the Christian Churches It is true that a few clergymen of the Church of England are guilty of intolerance which is generally regretted and repudiated by the majority of their own people. Such over- zealous champions bring their Church into dislike and contempt.

A Northern Nonconformist does not traverse my assertion that the Free Churches are compassing the destruction of the Church of England. They might have been justified in this design in the days when the May Flower' bade farewell to the sand dunes of the Lincolnshire coast, but such an attitude seems out of proportion now when based on the examples of in- tolerance quoted by your correspondent. One can imagine a Conference at which the differences between the Church of England and the Free Churches are being discussed, and amongst those present a philosopher of the type of Buddha or Confucius. One can hear the sage murmur to himself, " What is it about which they are quarrelling so bitterly P Why do they waste their energies in fighting one another instead of employing them for the good of mankind ?"—I am, Sir, &c.

Scawby, Lincolnshire. R. N. SUTTON NELTHORPR.