We are glad to record the conclusion last week of
an agree- ment by which the Commonwealth Government will co-operate with the British Government in assisting. emigration. Each Government will contribute £200,000 before the end of March next for paying the passage of approved emigrants to Australia. By the new Empire Settlement Act our Government is empowered to spend £1,500,000 this year and £3,000,000 in each subsequent year on emiaration. We trust that the other Dominions will 0 follow the lead of Australia in taking an equal share in this most necessary work. Australia, no doubt, stands in the greatest need of new settlers. Her vast territory has less than two inhabitants to a square mile. In West Australia there is barely one person to every four square miles. Yet there are plenty of capable men and women. who would be glad to leave these crowded islands if they had their passages paid and were assured of a welcome in Australia.