Oh yes, He did
Sir: A.N. Wilson (`The origins of the empty tomb, 15 April) obviously needs a refresher course on the New Testament if he can allege that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah.
All four Gospels give ample proof that this is precisely what Jesus did claim; nowhere more succinctly than in John IV, 25-26:
The woman saith to him: 1 know that the Messiah cometh (who is called Christ); there- fore, when he comes, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith to her: I am he, who am speaking with thee.
At some time or another we all have to decide whether Jesus was deluded, a liar, or who he said he was: the Messiah and Saviour of mankind. It came as a great shock to me as a fervent Jewess when it became clear that he was exactly who he claimed to be.
Ruth Rees
105 Clarence Gate Gardens, Glentworth Street, London NW1