Amman—At Gravesend, 25th June. Ocean. Ward, from Sydney; and 27th. Stains Castle. Petrie. from China. Off Dartmouth, 25th, Lady Flora, Ford, from Madras. Off Portsmouth, 27th. Cressy, Molison. from Ceylon. Off the isle of Wight. 26th Sir C. Napier. Wright. from Mauritius. Off Plymouth. 27th Queen. M Laud. from Cal- cutta. Off Scilly, Prince of Wales. Hopkins. from ditto. Off the Start, Cove. Palmer. from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 24th, Prime. Royal, Lewis. from Calcutta. At St. Helena. previous to 11th May, Elora. Turnbull ; and Louisa, Campbell. from China. Affiance, Spencer; Paedura. Lunen ; Eden. Boyce; Liillah Booth, Kenny; Earl Puwis• Sauter; and Bengalee, Sans. &urn Calcutta. Hope. Lancaster; and Sultan. Robin, MM. from Ceylon. Commodore. Miller ; Mohawk, f erguson; and Malabar, Barker, from Bombay. At the Cape, previous to 3d May, Lord Hungerford, Pigot from London ;
Mary Sharp. Mille; Browu; and Lvulter, Prowse, from Loudon ; Cram, Om. from Leitlt; mid Scotia, Drayuer, from China.
SAILED—From Gravesend. 25th June. Diamond, Taylor : and Bocephalus. Bell, for Calcutta. From Liverpool. 225, Dorothea. Smith; and Ivanhoe, Simpson. for Cal. colt.. ; Ann Milne. Thumas; and Chusan. Bleisi, for Bombay. 235. John O'Gaunt, Robertson. for China; and Intrinsic. Davidson, for Bombay; and 25th, Caroline, M Ausland, for Bombay. From Bristol. 24!h. Eagle, Sewell, for China. From the Clyde, 19th John Ctee, Rodgerson, for Calcutta.
At:elven—At Liverpool. 28th June, Stirlingshire, Davidson, from Bombay. Sameo--From Gravesend. 213th, Asia. Davirts.m. and Bolton, Bottom for Calcutta ; Urgeut, Marshall, Mr Ceylon ; and Kira, Patterson. for Bombay. From Liverpool, 26th, Sir R. Peel, Edwards, for China; and 27th, Brunswick, Mintier, for Calcutta.