The Caledonia mail steam-ship arrived at Liverpool this morning, from
Boston, after a passage of ten days. She brings New York papers to the 15th ; which announce that the Senate of the United States have rejected the bill for the annexation of Texas, by a majority of 35 to 16. To have passed the bill, a majority of two-thirds of those present would have been necessary. The President had previously transmitted to the Senate some papers connected with the Annexation-treaty, which show that a stipulation on the part of the United States Government, pledging her support against Mexico, was required by and given to Texas, as a sine qua non, before the commencement of the negotiations. Notwithstanding the majority in the Senate against annexation, the New York Herald says the question is only in the commencement of its career. Resolutions have been introduced in the Senate in favour of annexing Texas to the United States ; and a new bill has been brought into the House of Representatives. The session of Congress was, how- ever, about to close; therefore these demonstrations may be considered only as notices of motion for the session ensuing.
In commercial affairs there is little variation. There was a demand for bills at 1091 to 109+ per cent premium on London. There is little news from Canada. Party strife and religious ani- mosity are represented to he raging there with even increased violence.
The Caledonia passed the Britannia outward-bound on the 24th in- stant. The Acadia arrived at Halifax on the 17th.