Tan Money:Market remains without pressure as far as commercial business is concerned, hat the-active _demand in the Stock Exchange for loans on Government Securities causes the rate of interest to continue high. No business now takes place below per cent., even for the best payer.
The great fare has caused a decline in the funds, the Insurance Com- panies being expected shortly to appear as sellers of stock to meet their heavy losses. There has.also been some disposition to press speculative sales, while the public show little inclination to purchase eveaat the present low prices. The transactions in Foreign Stocks have been unasually limited,and the itactuations have been mainly confined to Turkish Six per Gents, which were fiat in the early part of the week, but afterwards rallied. These movements are.not ottaibutable to the death of the Sultan, that event having apparently exercised no influence in the market I■lexi- can has fallen.
The Railway 'Market is again depressed, the supplies of stock brought forward at the -settlement this week being rather large, especially of Midland and London and North-Western. The public have thus been sellers rather than buyers, probably on the less favour- able traffic returns. The approaching dividends are also expected to be lower than last year.
In the Colonial Market, Grand Trunk and Great Western of Canada have receded. Foreign descriptions are quiet, the only demand being for Great Luxembourg, Peninsular, wad Oriental. Steam Shares are flat.
The shipments of specie to New York represent nearly 40%0001., and to Bombay 51,773/. The principal arrival reported is the Shan- non, from the West Indies, with 527,000/. Some parcels of gold have also been received from Constantinople.
About 45,0001. in gold was taken from the Bank to-day.
Consols, for Account, 891, 841; India Five per Cents, 981 988 ; Turkish Six per Cents, 1858, 561, 574; Spanish, 50, 51; Rus- - sian Three per Cents, 61i, 62* ; Mexican, 212-8, 228; London and North-Western, 93 94.; Midland, 1201, 121; Lancashire and York- shire, MI 112; Great Western, 72, 72k ; South-Eastern, 802, 8 -1-; Great Northern, 106, 107; Eastern Counties, 491,..501; East 1001, 1004; Lombardo-Venetian, des.; Central, 40, 89 dis.