The fire inTooley-street is still burning. The fresh outbreak which
occurred on Thursday night burned with great vehemence until midday, when the firemen had sufficiently cooled the ruins to be able to carry their branches right up to the heart of the conflagration. They are now pouring vast quantities of water upon the burning bacon, hams, and butter, which are still in the lower part of the depot. The men are still engaged searching for Mr. Scott, and had not suc- ceeded when our reporter left.
The sewers are now being bricked up to prevent the escape of the
fat that has run into them, and also to stop the fire from getting into them. The effect of this step is to render the houses in Bermondsey scarcely endurable.
At one o'clock the rains were cleared -entirely, as it was feared that the salute fired at the Tower on the anniversary of her Majesty's coro- nation would Rause the walls to fall.