BRITISH 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 FUND Friday. S. (Closing Prices.)
Bank Stock, 10 per Cent.
India Stock, 109 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 2d. per diem
Exchequer Bonds, 5001
India Bonds, 4 per Cent Friday.
891 89 88f 88f
229 dig die dia FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening Austrian. 5 p. Ct.
French 44p. Ct
f. c.
Belgian 49
Mexican .8 -
Ditto 29
Peruvian. 44 -
Brazilian. b
Portuguese 1853 8 -
Buenos Ayres 6
Russian 5
Chills= 6 — Sardinian 5 783 Danish 5
Spanish 8
Ditto 3 — — Ditto New Deferred. 3
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) —21 —
Ditto Passive
Ditto 4 — — Turkish 6 714
French a
66f. c. Venezuela. 8 —
(Last Official Quotation daring the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter 969 Australasian
Caledonian 971 British North American al} Chester and Holyhead 529 City
Eastern Counties 491 Colonial
Edinburgh and Glasgow
Commercial of London
Glasgow and South-Western...
Engl. Scottish & AustraLChrtd. 15f Great Northern 107 London
Great South. and West. Ireland
London and County
Great Western 72 Loud. Chrtd. Bank of Australia 223 Lancashire and Yorkshire 1119 London Joint Stock 819 Lancaster and Carlisle 2019 London and Westminster 67f Loud., Brighton, & South Coast — National Bank
London and Blackwall
National Provincial
London and North-Western.... 939 New South Wales
London and South-Western ... 95 Oriental 46f Manchester,Shettield & Lincoln 464 Ottoman
Midland 1201 Provincial of Ireland
Midland Gt. Western (Ireland) — South Australia 811 North British 631 Union of Australia 891 North-Eastern—Berwick 105 Union of London
North-Eastern—York 939 Unity
Oxford, Wor.& Wolverhampton • -•
Scottish Central 115 East and West India 1164 Scottish Midland — London
South-Eastern and Dover 81 St. Katharine
Eastern of France
Victoria 973 East Indian
Geelong and Melbourne
Australian Agricultural
Grand Trunk of Canada 171 British American Land
Great Indian Peninsular 981 Canada 108 Great Western of Canada.— 10 Crystal Palace 821 Paris and Lyons
Electric Telegraph
General Steam
Australian 1 London Discount
Brazilian Imperial
National Discount
Ditto St. John del Rey 339 Peninsular and Oriental Steam
31 65
Cobre Copper 399 Royal Mail Steam
Rhymney Iron
South Australian
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the Week ending on Wednesday, the 26th day of June, 1861.
Notes issued Rest Seven Days and * Including Foreign Gold in £26,163,680 Government Debt Other Securities Gold Coin and Bullion Silver Bullion Government Securities (inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity) Other Securities Notes Gold and Silver Coin Commissioners of National Account. I Silver in Bars, Standard. BANKING DEPARTMENT. £11,016,100 3,459,900 11,466,281 212,399 Proprietors' Capital Public Deposits* Other Deposita £28,153,680 £14,553,000 3,258,846 8,169,026 11,811, other Bills... 580,892 £26,153,680 £9,987,654 20,180,066 6,949,160 965,980 £38,062,860 Exchequer, Saving-Banks, and Dividend BULLION.
Per on Bars, StandrcL St 17s. 9d. £38,062,860 Debt, Per oz. 01. be. Ojd
GRAIN, Mark-lane, Jnne 28.
Wheat, R. 0
—s. to —e. I Do. Fine • Os. to Os. I Do. Red, New...40s. to 46s
Town-made per sack 55s. to 58s. I Seconds per sack 46s. to 50s
Oats, Feed
188. to 22a. I Do. Fine
Os. to Os
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 86 Trusses.)
Hay, Good
Tbs. to 84s. 80s. to 909. 108s. toll8s.
Inferior 36 50 20 40 70 — 98 New 50 80 0 — 0 70 — 90 Clover 90 120 105 —112 114 —120
Wheat Straw
30 — 40 80 — 36 88 45