There was a curious battle in the House last night,
caused by Mr. Disraeli's having taken an engagement with Mr. Denman, M.P. for Taunton, to introduce a certain clause, and then afterwards, on finding a changed temper in the corn- mittee, encouraging the House to throw it over as one to the policy of which the Government had never been favourable. It is true that Mr. Disraeli and some of his supporters voted for the clause, but they as good as told the House they should not be sorry if it was lost, and lost it was, by a majority of 2,-207 to 205. Mr. Gladstone moved to report progress, in order to take the Government to task for its want of good faith, and Mr. Disraeli was obliged to promise to bring up another clause in the place of the one defeated, which he did with a very bad grace.