Mr. Grant Duff made on Friday se'nnight a very excellent
though somewhat lengthy speech in favour of a plan for the more thorough education of Scotland. He would leave the parochial and denominational schools untouched, establish a Central Board of Education in Edinburgh, with power to esta- blish schools where required, and support them out of a local rate ; to " adopt " denominational schools when willing to be inspected,i and even, if we understand him, the parochial schools, when the managers are willing ; the education to be secular. Lord It. Montagu replied that the Report of the Commissioners had only -been on the table a month, that a month was a short time for the study of five big volumes, and went through a long string of small objections. The debate ended in nothing, but we suspect the great fact in the matter is this. If Mr. Grant Duff can conciliate the Clergy, he will have his Bill, if not, not. We should have thought that Scotland, having but one faith, and her clergy being favourable to education, there would have been little difficulty in the matter, but there is a great deal.