A System of Biblical Psychology. By Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Trans-
lated from the German, by the Rev. Robert Ernest Wallis, Ph.D.. (Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark).—In making this translation, Mr. Wallis has had to contend with peculiar difficulties, as the author himself acknowledged. "You are right," he said to the complaining Uebersetzer, "that book of mine greatly resists translation into English; it is full of newly coined words and daring ideas ; and both its form and substance are most elaborately involved." Our own experience shows that all,. save practised theologians, will have quite as much difficulty in reading the book as Mr. Wallis had in translating it. Biblical psychology is "a scientific representation of the doctrine of Scripture on the psychical constitution of man as it was created, and the ways in which this con- stitution was affected by sin and redemption." We are unable to form an idea of the way in which Dr. Dalitzsch has evolved this doctrine.