The Poetical Works of Charles Churchill. With a memoir by James Hannay. (Bell and Daldy.)—Messrs. Bell and Daldy are reissuing the "Aldine Edition of the British Poets," with, in many cases, new lives, and in almost all cases under now editorship. We are glad that Mr. Hannay has been chosen to re-edit the works of Churchill, with whom, as a true English satirist, the lecturer on "Satire and Satirists" might well be supposed to sympathize. And Mr. Hannay's memoir of Churchill shows that we are right in this assumption. No doubt the twenty small pages devoted to the life do not give much scope to Mr. Hannay's genius, but they are marked by many of his felicitous epigrammatic turns of lan- guage, and by proofs of the thoroughness with which he has studied the literature of the Sighteenth century.