The Crown Peerage for 1867. Compiled by Edward Walford, M.A.
(Hardwicke.)—Of making many peerages there is no end, and much study of them is weariness of the spirit. But Mr. Walford's compact little book is extremely useful, as it gives all essential facts in a short compass, and includes Baronets and Knights, and the Scotch and Irish Peers, as well as those of England. Like the verger at the Chapel Royal, indeed, Mr. Walford does not recognize the younger sons of Peers, but we presume this is simply owing to want of space, and not to any etiquette which excludes them till the second lesson. As it is, the book is crammt.:. with valuable information ; and we have only noticed one error, in Sir A. Cockburn being assigned to the Common Pleas, of which he was formerly Chief Justice, instead of to the Queen's Bench.