The Resurrection and the Sabbath ; or, the Rest of
the Seventh Day. (Westerten.)—The most remarkable thing about this book is that the- author should have kept it more than twelve years in manuscript. It is one of those strange productions which are generally published as soon as they are written, for fear some sensible friend should oontrive to put them in the fire. The theory advanced is the peculiar sanctity of the number seven, which leads the author into such eccentricities of argument as that six years are seven, and forty-nine years half a century.. One of his views is that the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt because Pharoah would not let them keep the Sabbath. Another, which is not very closely connected with his subject, is that the circula- tion of the blood is clearly revealed in two passages of Scripture, though the discovery of it has been commonly supposed to have been made by an Englishman in the seventeenth century. These two passages are, "The life of the flesh is in the blood," and "Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken a the cistern." It is a pity that the real meaning of these two verses did not occur to some Biblical student before the time of Harvey. A. clear revelation, that does not precede discovery, but comes more than two centuries after it, and then in such a questionable shape, is not worth much more than the rest of this treatise.