In the Stock Market during the week the prevailing character
has been one of extreme dullness; even Home Securities have shared in the general depression, and business in every department has been much restricted. Consols on Monday were quoted at 94 to 4. for delivery, and 944 to for the account. Yesterday the closing prices were 94 to .8- for money, and 94 to for the 10th of July. In the Foreign House there has been little passing, but the quota- tions are without any serious alteration. A new Chilian loan has been brought out, the amount required being 1,109,700/., for which interest is to be allowed at 7 per cent. Rather a feverish feeling has pervaded the Railway Share Market, and the various stock have undergone much fluctuation. A rather better tone was apparent yesterday, however, and prices are firmer, with a tendency to further improvement. It has been suggested that 1,000,000/. out of the 2,000,000/. required by the London and Brighton Company should be raised by the issue of such an amount of ordinary stock as will produce the required sum. The present quotation is about 54, and it is pro- posed to offer the new stock to all classes of shareholders at 45, which, considering the dividend most be deferred, is considered a fair valuation. No definite arrangements, however, have yet been come to in the matter. The demand for discount is rather more active, owing to the quarterly payments now falling due. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 22,286,6841.; and in the Bank of France, 35,377,1201.