Mr. Disraeli was entertained at the Trinity House this day
week, and in reply to the toast of Her Majesty's Ministers, congratulated Lord Stanley for about the sixth time in public on his Luxemburg guarantee treaty. He said that Lord Stanley "was descended from a race which had something to do with the history of this .country in the time of that Henry VIL to. whom the deputy master had referred, and that he would be bold to say that not one of his ancestors ever did a braver or finer act than that he achieved when he signed his name to the late treaty made at London, and secured the peace of Europe." Well, but how -"bold and fine ?" Did it involve great responsibility and a fearful risk ? Lord Derby says not. He says expressly the country is to disavow all obligation in the only case in which it could possibly have contracted any obligation. Is it a "bold and fine" act to secure peace by illusory promises ? If it was "bold and fine," then Lard Derby must be wrong, for it could not take courage and character to dangle a deceptive promise before an anxious ally. Mr. Disraeli rather overdoes his flatteries of Lord Derby and Lord Stanley. He is able and strong enough to stand alone, without fawning on his noble friends.