29 JUNE 1872, Page 3

Mr. Greeley's programme of respecting State-rights, supported as it is

in the South, will apparently lead to very horrible con- sequences, if he should be elected President and should adhere then to the principles he now avows. In Montgomery, Alabama, a double murder, one of them aggravated by deliberate torture, has just been perpetrated with the full approbation of State opinion, and but for the interference of the Federal troops under the staunch and gallant General Terry, would have gone entirely unpunished. A negro there was married to a white wife,—a mar- riage which the prejudice of the Slave States abhors, though there is no sort of scruple about illicit intercourse between white men and negresses,—and they were threatened with violence if they would not separate. They refused, and their -house was broken open and both murdered, — the negro merely killed, but the white woman bound down to her bed, tur- pentined, and then burnt. The wretches who committed this double crime boasted of it, and had so fully the sympathy of the neighbourhood that a bold attempt was made to rescue them from prison, which General Terry foiled. Mr. Greeley would restore, to the full, State-rights, and consequently let damnable crimes of this kind go unpunished because sanctioned by the evil local opinion.