Vainglorious Thatcher
From Mr DennLs Outwin Sir: Your campaign against Tony Blair over the Queen Mother's lying-in-state leaves a slightly nasty taste in the mouth. I cannot believe there would have been this fuss if a Tory prime minister were involved.
Take Margaret Thatcher. In 1982 a services parade was held to celebrate the Falklands victory. It was a national occasion, but Mrs Thatcher decided to seize all the glory for herself. The leader of the opposition had given her loyal support from the start, but he was not invited. Nor was any member of the royal family invited, although one of its members had been in action in the Falklands. Many of the victorious soldiers resented this. One senior officer said later that he was prepared to fight for Queen and country, but not to boost the electoral prospects of politicians. The whole episode makes Tony Blair's mild request for a more prominent role at the Queen Mother's lying-in-state look trivial by comparison.
Dennis Outwin Gorleston, Norfolk