Q. Last week I attended an excellent drinks party in
a Holland Park garden. My problem is that the party was too good. At any time I could see at least three people across the crowded garden to whom I desperately wanted to talk, However, to reach them I would have had to push my way through banks of other people whom I also know and like but did not especially wish to use up precious time talking to on that occasion. As a consequence, my movement around the party was restricted to those who merged into my circle
themselves and I felt a certain sense of frustration. What should I have done, Mary? Name withheld, London SW3 A. In such a scenario the correct protocol is to enlist the help of a sympathiser to whom you are already conversing. This person should grab you by both shoulders and propel you purposefully through the throng, talking urgently in your ear all the while. In this way you can wave helplessly to the ranks of the second division as you are pushed towards your first-division targets, and any apparent discrimination will appear to be out of your hands.