29 MARCH 1851, Page 19



Notes on North America, Agricultural, Economical, and Social. By James F. W. Johnston, M.A., F.R.S. S.L. and E., &c. In two vo- lumes.

The History of the Church of Rome, to the End of the Episcopate of Damasus, A.D. 384. By Edward John Shepherd, A.M.

Historical Sketch of Logic, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By Robert Blakey, Professor of Logic, Queen's College, Belfast.

Tales and Traditions of Hungary. By Francis and Theresa Pulszky. In three volumes.

Goa and the Blue Mountains ; or Six Months of Sick Leave. By Richard F. Burton, Lieutenant Bombay Army.

Remonstrance against Romish Corruptions in the Church, addressed to the People and Parliament of England in 1395, 18 Ric. II. Now for the first time published. Edited by the Reverend J. Forshall, F.R.S., &c., formerly Fellow of Exeter College.

[The publication of a manuscript, drawn up, it is supposed, for distribution and for Parliament towards the close of the reign of Richard the Second. By some it has been ascribed to Wicliff ; the true author seems to have been John Purvey, a disciple though not always a stanch one of the great English Reformer.

There are three manuscripts of the work in existence ; from a careful col- lation of which Mr. Forshall has formed his text. He has added a few notes, a glossary, and an index. Independently of its curiosity as a specimen of Eng- lish prose of the fourteenth century, it was worth publication as an historical document. The corruptions of the clergy, and the usurpations of the Pope, who is plainly denominated Antichrist, are denounced with perfect freedom ; but the principles of Protestantism are perhaps more shown in this rejection of priestly power than in mere doctrines : that power, however, is the root of Popery.]

Gregory of Nazianzum. A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century. By Dr. Carl Ullmann, Professor Extraordinary of Theology at Heidelberg. Translated by G. V. Cox, M.A.

[The translation of a very learned and able work, in which the manners and religious spirit of the fourth century are exhibited, as well as the biography of Gregory. If the very life of the age is not presented, it is not owing to any want of knowledge on the part of Ullmann, but to the absence of art, and probably of genius.]

Nobody's Son ; or the Life and Adventures of Percival Mayberry. Written by Himself. [An American tale of a wild and improbable kind, without turning the ex- treme character of the story to any account. The book opens with Percival Mayberry at a workhouse in the State of New York ; where he, in common with the other pauper children, is barbarously treated. He runs away, jumps into a boat, and drifts upon a pest island or lazaretto. The nurse mysteriously recognizes him ; places him at a fashionable school, and in due time, when his workhouse residence is whispered among the boys, appears as a Deus ex machind and proves her protégé to be the son of a Spanish gran- dee, carried off and placed lathe workhouse by-e series of accidents usual in romance. The style is literal, but some of the incidents have a hard distinct- ness which gives interest to the narrative. The tale is too obviously ex- treme to be received as a picture of American manners.] The Gold-Worshipper s ; or the Days we Live in. A future Historical Novel. By the Author of " Whitefriars." In three volumes.

The Practice of Insolvency under the Protection Acts ; with the Sta-

tutes, Rules, Orders, List of Fees, the Forms, as adapted to the Change of Jurisdiction, &e. By David Cato Macrae, Esq., Barrister-at-law. [The first volume of a digest of the law and practice of Insolvency under the late " Protection Acts," supported by reports of the leading cases, and com- mented upon by notes and observations. In the preface, the late transfer of Insolvency business to the County Courts, to save, Mr. Macrae says, the Commissioner's travelling expenses, is censured, as leading to hardship and injustice ; and the proposed further moves in the same direction are depre- cated.]

Popular Medical Errors. By James Bower Harrison, M.R.C.S.L., &c. [A various and entertaining book, the result of patient accumulation to col- lect the popular errors, and of sound sense to expose them in some cases, in others to trace the opinion to its source. The different notes are brief, and read like ana.] London as it is Today; Where to Go, and What to See, during the Great Exhibition. Illustrated with a Map of London, and upwards of two hundred Engravings on Wood.

[The principal feature of this book is the number of the wood-cut illustra- tions. It does not greatly differ in plan or execution from the old London Guide : the striking features of the Metropolis, and the sights to be seen, are grouped together in classes.]

Premieres Lectures : an Easy French Reading-book. By Isidore Bras- sour.

[Easy and judicious exercises on pronunciation, followed by reading lessons.]

The reprints this week are numerous, but not striking : the most remark- able are a third edition of the excellent compilation on Nineveh by Mr. Vaux ; and a reprint of Chilcot on Evil Thoughts--a practical treatise on the control of the mind, which first appeared in the early part of the last century. Nineveh and Persepolis ; an Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia, with an Account of the recent Researches in those Countries. By W. S. W. Vaux, M.A. Third edition, revised and enlarged.

A Practiced Treatise concerning Evil Thoughts, &e. By William Chil- cot, M.A. New edition.

The History of Mohammedanism and its Sects. By W. Cooke Taylor, LL.D., Author of " The Student's Manuals of Ancient and Modern History." The third edition.

Elements of Electro-Metalliergy. By Alfred Since, F.R.S., &e. Third edition, revised, corrected, and considerably enlarged. Illustrated with Electrotypes and numerous Wood-cuts.

A Grammar of the French Language. By Isidore Brasseur, Professor of the French Language and Literature in King's College, London, &c. Sixth edition.

Manuel des Ecoliirs: a New French Reading-book. By Isidore Bras- seur. Second edition.

A Selection from Lord Chesterfield's Letters to Ids Son on Education ; with the most idiomatic expressions given in notes, to assist the learner in translating them into French, &c. By Isidore Brasseur. Second edition.

Philip Augustus. By G. P. R. James. (Parlour Library.) .Domestic Pigs ; their Origin and Varieties. By H. D. Richardson. A new edition. (Richardson's Rural Handbooks.)


Flowers and their _Poetry.

[An elegant volume, adapted for the drawingroom-table or a present. The page is surrounded by a species of illumination printed in colours ; the initial letters are fanciful, and often composed from plants. The verses con- sist of an introduction, called "The Birth of Flowers," followed by poems on particular flowers. The poetry, if not of the highest order, is pleasing— some of it by the well-known " Delta "; and the remainder, by Dr. Bush- nen, the editor, is worthy to stand by its side.]


Roman Catholic Claims, as involved in the recent Aggression, impar- tially Considered. By Amicus Veritatis.

The Mark-Worship of Rome. By the Reverend Andrew Gray, Perth. Catholicity Spiritual and Intellectual. By Thomas Wilson, M.A., late Minister of St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich. No. V.

Popery in its Development, &c.

The Whigs versus the Pope ; the Case of the Day. Reported by an Old Whig.

The Flax Morement ; its National Importance and Advantages, with Directions for the Preparation of Flax Cotton, and the Cultivation .of Flax. By the Chevalier Claussen.

The Property and Income Tax the Rest Tax for the Community. By E. Erskine Scott, F.S.A., &c.

Report of the Case of the Queen against the Commissioners of land-tax for the Division of Bradley Ifaverstoe. With Observations by Samuel Miller, Esq., Barrister-at-law.