29 MARCH 1873, Page 3

The Analnseador of the German Empire at.our Court, Count von

-Bernstorff, died of the painful disease' from which he has been sot long .suffering, on Wednesday night, at 'the age of 64. He seems to have been one of that steady, patient class of Minis- ters who never- lose their nerve, and. seldom conceive a stroke of -genius,—a minister to trust implicitly for exeentingorders, but hardly one to whose counsels a great Minister like PrinceBisraarek would rbe arery- likely to defer. The Times, in a remarkatde- sketch 'him,-attributes to him the clearest judgment and,nroat un- moved-nerve during the exciting fortnight which 'preceded the. war of 1870. One of Mrs. Gladstone's afternoon parties was given on .the -very day of the -declaration' of war, July 15,-1870. All ' the, Ambassadors were discussing eagerly' if there were .no chance of stopping this mad- encounter, when in tame Count Bernstorff, and calmly asserted that war was inevitable, though the Germans were not quite ready, and that if France"waa, she might -gaiu. solar.," preliminary advantage ; but within nineteen days -the Germans would have 300;000 men readytotalre the aggres- sive, on the French bank of the Rhine, " and • they would march to Paris." A firmer and more undisturbed executive instrument for a great policy could not easily have been found.