29 MARCH 1879, Page 1


THE Standard on Friday published telegrams from India affirming that all negotiation with the Ameer of Afghani- stan have failed, and that orders have been issued to march upon the capital. As this decision corresponds with all known facts, and with Lord Lytton's policy, it is probably true, and should be regarded as exceedingly serious. We have discussed it elsewhere, but must add here that even if our troops reach Cabal, we shall have accomplished nothing until the hills are quieted. Yakoob Khan will retire, and our communications will require ten thousand men to defend them, who will not in ten years have completely subdued the mountaineers. We must in the end leave Cabal, unless we wish to annex a barren France, and the day after, all our work will be pitilessly undone.

• The Afghans cannot fight us, any more than we can fight a storm; but they can survive us, and they will.