China It seems that the expected clash between the Central
Government and the North is coming at last. Yen Hsi- shan, firmly posted in Peking, has been joined, at least for the moment, by Feng Yu-hsiang, who has apparently not relinquished his Communist connexions. The Central Government must either make some attempt to dislodge them or lose face, with further disorder as a consequence. Chiang Kai-shek is i n a fairly good position to tackle them. He is, indeed, hampered by divisions in the Kuomintang, but he has the advantage of German Staff officers, a sufficient revenue, and the support of the bankers and traders. For the first time in Chinese warfare he is comparatively well equipped for aerial warfare. Of course, in China, it is possible that this situation may change almost overnight, but meanwhile the continued confusion, in which unpaid soldiery and bandits work inconceivable havoc upon the civil popu- lation, is disorganizing all normal activity in China. India