- Besides the two extremely important articles, " Where Are
We Going ? " and " An Economic Reformation," to which we have already referred, the March issne of the Round Table (Macmillan, 5s.) contains the best available reading on all the signs of the times in political and economic development, especially that of the British Commonwealth. A sober but encouraging view is taken of prospects in India and in China. A special article is devoted, and rightly, to the Kyoto Conference, which is such an admirable embodiment of that contact between statesman and scholar which Professor Zimmern has delineated in his little book Learning and Leadership, the grammar of international intellectual co- operation. The notes on Australia are very much to the point, and a South African contributor traces native discon- tents in a large measure to the general ignorance of.his living conditions by those who legislate on his behalf. The effect of Protection on the cost of living of the natives, for instance, demands careful examination by experts. We are very glad to See (from the Tithes, March 22nd) that the Government in South Africa have appointed a special commission to inquire into the natives' economic and social conditions.
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