29 MARCH 1935, Page 15


"Beds."' because .'it provides the best seed beds is ,a standard garden - jest. The biggest smallholding experiment ever undertaken flat fields that lie to the west of the Strange hill of sand that With a soil of mingled sand and loam that is ideal for the qUick turn=over of vegetable crops. That "Beds " is so called in England was made at and about Sutton. Bridge and Hol- beach in South Lincolnshire, where also is found, though of a different nature, some of the best soil within the island ; and it now grows the best bulbs in the world, especially of large experiment in settling unemployed men on the land is Suggested the name-Sandy to some original mind are covered to be tried in a district that is famous for its gardens. The It is a lucky chance, due to a timely gift, that the first