Dutch Lights
• ' it-will probably happen at Potton as at Holbeach, Preston, Blackpool, and in Cornwall, that as times go on the more successful men will 'build glass houses but in the light soil of Bedfordshire; ideal for vegetable culture, the transportable light- is 'Perhaps more useful ; and it is a very wise part of the'phin that " Dutch lights " are to be provided. In visiting the AriteiisiVe Dutch gardens round the Hague immediately after an inspection of some of the Paris gardens, I found the methods similar in most respects, except the nature of the glasS: The Frenchmen preferred the bell-Jar or Cloche, the Dutchmen preferred the frame in one form Or another; but both- relied on more or less movable glass for securing the 'early 'vegetable ; and prices vary more or lesS precisely with the date, the earlier the more valuable. The Money is made • by the primeurs. More than this: vegetables are gciod to eat in - piciporticin to the 'Speed of growth. The quicker the growth'the More congenial the 'product; and glass in some form is a necessary accelerator.
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