Japan and the League Japan's secession from the League of
Nations became effective last Wednesday ; and henceforward in theory, as for some time in reality, she ceases to be a member of the Geneva organization. This does not mean that she will cease to co-operate in activities which are under the auspices of the League ; and she will continue to be represented at the International Labour Office and the Disarmanient Conference. There is also, of course, nothing to hinder her membership of the International Court at the Hague. But how far Japan now stands remote from the League and its spirit is indicated in her reply to the recent British representations regarding the Manchukuo oil monopoly, which violates Manchukuo's promise to respect the open door. Japan points out that that under- taking is invalidated by Britain's refusal to accord recognition to Manchukuo. Thus the wrong of the viola- tion of China's sovereignty is made the reason for the further wrong of closing the door to British trade, Today the matter cannot be referred to the League, for Japan is not a member. She somewhat ironically offers to "-mediate ' between Britain and Manchukuo.