29 MARCH 1997, Page 28

The last word

Sir: About that very great man (Letters, 22 March), surely the last word was said by James Lees:Milne in Ancestral Voices pub- lished in 1975. On page 224 of this wonder- ful book he says that when he was at lunch at the Dorchester with Lady Cunard 'other guests were the Greek ambassador, Nancy, Louis Goulding and Alastair Forbes. The last a debs' delight of classic beauty, with fair unblemished skin. Very young and a tit- tle portentous. He is diplomatic correspon- dent of the Sunday Times, ambitious for a parliamentary career, witty, mischievous, censorious and bright.' Had I the moolah I would publish every word that the editors of The Spectator have sliced from his wonderful reviews and letters: The Works of Alastair Forbes, a Great Writer.

Robert Gregg Webb

45 Charles Street, Northcote, Victoria, Australia