On the 1211, May, at Dresden, Lady Menzies, of Menzies, of a daughter. On the 20th, at Melville Castle, North Britain, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. Charles Dundee of twins, a son and daughter. On the 21st. the Lady of Norwich Duff, Esq., Captain in the Royal Navy, of a son. On the 24th, In Hill Street, the Hon. Mrs. Robert Boyle, of a daughter. On the 24th, Lady Rivers, of a daughter. On the 24th, at Cheltenham, the Lady of Major-General TIckell, (LB., of adaughter. On the 26th, at Nonsuch Park, Surrey, the Lady of W. F. G. Farmer, of a son. On the 27th, at Hendon, the Countess of Kerry, of a daughter. On the 27th, In Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, the Lady of James Bright, Esq., M.D., Of a daughter.
On the 27th, in Downing Street, the Lady Mary Wood, of a daughter.
On the 13th May, at Turin, the Rev. Constantine Frere, Fellow of Corpus Christi Oollege, Cambridge, and Rector of Finningharn, Suffolk, to Antonin& Maria, youngest daughter of the late Antonin° Gaudiano, of Palermo, On the 20th, at St. James's Church, Exeter, Frederic Roberts, Esq., Surgeon to the Forces; son of the late Rev. W. Roberts, M.A., Gaily Beren, Rector of Liandincolen, and perpetual Curate of Bryncross, Carnarvonsbire, to Katharine, daughter of Lieute- nant-General Herbert.
On the 22d, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Hon. Gerald Nonnanby Dillon, youngest son of the late Viscount Dillon, to Louisa, second daughter of the Hon. Colo. net Fitzgibbon.
On the TM, at St. John's, Oxford Square, the Rev. Adolphus Hamilton, M.A., Cu- rate of Christ Church, St. Maryiebone, eon of Augustus Hamilton, Esq., R.N., to Henrietta Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Oarew, G.C.B., of Beddffigton Park, Surrey.
Os the 26th, at St. George's Hanover Square, Sir Frederick W. E. Nkolson, Bart., Captain R.N., to Mary Clemenhaa Marlon, only daughter of JameaLoch, Esq., 5LP.
On the 6th April, at St. Petersburg, Admiral Sir Alexander Ogilvy, of the Russian service, and President of the Court of Admiralty ; in his 821 year. The deceased was a native of Edinburgh, and was the last surviving British officer who joined the Russian Navy at the general peace in 1782.
On the I I th, at Bombay, Frances Gwynne. Wife of Captain Henry Creed, Hon. Com- pany's Artillery, and youngest daughter of Lieuteniut-Ceeneral Sir David Ximenes, K.C.H.; in her 21st year.
On the 18th May, at Shanklin, in the Isle of Wight, R. H. Sheehan, E•qi , of Mespil Howe, Dublin, for twenty years editor and Joint proprietor of the Dublin Evening Mail.
On the 21st, at Bath, Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Pearson, K.C.II., Colonel of the Eighty-fifth Regiment of Foot.
On the 21st, at Belair, near Plymouth, Captain William Price Hamilton, R.N.; in his 46th year.
On the 26th, in Great Ceram Street, Brunsvrick Square, Mrs. Frances Coiebatch ; lit her 93d year.