The English Stock Market has been firmer, and Consols have again touched par. The business transacted has not been important. The Bank Broker was a large buyer of Exchequer Bills; some purchases of importance have occurred m Three-and-a-quarter per Cent Stock ; and 100f was given for a considerable amount of Consols for July. The closing quotations today are the highest of the week ; those of Consols both for Money and Account being 100 to 100f. The purchase of Exchequer Bills by the Bank Broker has given increased value to these securities; June Bills, or those to be ex- changed for new ones bearing interest of lid. per diem, being 68s. to 71e. premium; while March Bills, ibearing interest at lid. per diem, are 75s. to 78s. premium. Money continues as abundant as ever.
The Austrian Loan of 3,500,000/. Five per Cent Stock is offered for nego- tiation as follows.
£2,250,000 by Messrs. Rothschilds in London and 1,250,000 reserved for Frankfort-on-the-Maine.
The Subscription-price is 90 per cent, in the following payments. 10 per cent on allotment. 15 Id July.
15 1st September. 15 10th November.
15 10th January 1853.
20 10th March 1853.
Discount at the rate of 3 per cent will be allowed upon prepayment of in- stalments. Interest to the let July next will be allowed upon the first in- stalment of 10 per cent, and the dividend upon the whole capital will com- mence from the 1st July. The Coupon due on the 1st January 1853 will be alleired in the instalment due upon the 10th of that month. The dividends are to be 'paid in sterling in London, at Messrs. Rothschilds; in Frankfort, at 12 florixte per S. sterling; and in Paris, at 2.5fr. 50c. per S. sterling. As compared with the niarket value of other Austrian securities, the price is considered to be too high, and there does not appear among speculators the anxiety to become holders of this Stock that is usually observable upon simi lar occasions.
The tone of the other Foreign Stocks is rather improved, though transac- tions generally have been limited. The exchange upon Vienna has shown srymptoms of declining : there is consequently a greater demand for Austrian Coupons and Stock of the Loan of 1824. This, though nominally a Five per Cent Stock, has, by the depreciation of the paper in which the interest is paid at Vienna, become actually a four per cent stock : it is largely held in Holland, where a rise of from 1 to 2 per cent has occurred, in consequence of purchases said to be made on English account. The Russian, Dutch, and Other dividend-paying Northern Stocks, have been dealt in to a small extent at prices slightly in advance of those of last week. The few transactions in §artlinian have been at slightly improved quotations. Portuguese Stock is
miehan Spanish and Spanh Deferred Three per Cents in rather Ater demand. The South American Stocks generally are without vitality. Nothing of ire_ portance has occurred in Mexican Stock.
The Railway Shares were heavy during the early part of the week ; and the depression of the market was increased yesterday by tLe failure of a broker of eminence, whose liabilities are said to be large. A considerable amount of various kinds of Shares were thus thrown upon the market : as the total decline in the more important varieties has been from 1/. to 21. per share, we cannot notice any improvement today. The French Shares are without material I hange : they are rather scarce in our market, the high
prices having induced several ispedultithe bales.
SATURDAY TweLyz o eLocic.
The English Stocks are firm at the closing quotations of yesterday, with but little business doing. The quotations of some of the Foreign Funds are nominally higher, in consequence of the improved appearance of the English market, though the transactions have as yet been unimportant. A eoesider- able advance occurred after the usual hour of business yesterday afternoon in Railway Shares generally ; which has been supported this morning, some of the most current being nominally at 11. advance : the bargains recorded in the official list are not important.
The English Funds have advanced in consequence of the general demand for Stock for investment. This has been most remarkable in respect of the Three- and-a-quarter per Cents, the price of which has risen f per cent since the morning, bargains having been effected in it at 1011, and the closing price being 101/ 102, while the last quotation of Consols is 100111 both for Money and Account. The business transacted in the Foreign Funds has in al- most every instance been at rather better prices; the following are the principal transactions—Buenos Ayres, 72f 31 ex div. ; Chilian Three per Cents, 70; Danish Five per Cents, 104# 104; Grenada ex coupon of Decem- ber 1849, 21; Ditto Deferred, 8* f ; Peruvian, 102f 3; Peruvian Deferred, 621 f ; Portuguese Four per Cents, 37; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1031 f ; Sardinian, 96f 97 96f ; Spanish Three per Cents Deferred, 21i ; Ve- nezuela, 39; Ditto Deferred, 15; Dutch Two-and-a-halfper Cents, 62; Ditto Four per Cents, 93 921. There is an improvement m the Stock of the Republic. The Share Market continues firm at the advance noticed in the morning. The following are the principal bargains—Aberdeen, 12f ; Ambergate, None, and Boston, 711; Eastern Counties, 81 ; Eastern Union, Class B and C late E. 1J..Shares, 4; East Lancashire, 16f ; Great Northern, 201 ; Ditto Half- shares B 6 per Cent, 154 ; Great Western, 91f 1 f # ; Lancashire and York- shire, 711 f ; Ditto Fifths, n f ; London and Blackwell, 8; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 105; London and North-western, 122* f 2; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 27*; London and South-western, 91f ; Midland, 67f # f I ; North British, 7# 1 ft; North Staffordshire, 101 ; (oxford, Wor- cester, and Wolverhampton, 20 191; South Wales, 33f ; "York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 171 ; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 6f ; York and North Midland, 23# 1 1 ; Buckinghamshire, 181; Leeds and Bradford, 1041 1041; Northern and Eastern 6 per Cent, 61f ; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 231 ; Midland Consolidated and Birmingham 6 per Cent, 147f 8; Norfolk Extension, 201 ; North British, 61 ; York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick, G. N. E. Purchase, 10*; East Indian, 22f ; Northern of France, 2,3f ; Paris and Rouen, 30; Rouen and Mitre, 11.
3 per Cent Consols tto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents 1001 100 994 4 1014 I Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents 78 80
91 2
6 2.1 34 31 2 Long Annuities 6 13-16 15-16 Ditto 3 per Cents
Bank Stock 219 22 Peruvian 6 per Cents 102 4 Exchequer Bills 69 78 pm. kOrtuguese 5 pet CentS 1824.. 1004 11 India Stock 268 272 Hussian 5 per Cents 115 17 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 41 per Cents 108 4
Belgian 44 per Cents
93 5 Spanish 3 per Cents 21 Chi 6 per Cents 103 5 Ditto Deferred 47 1 Danish 5 per Cents 104 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 96 71