The special envoy of dbe President of the Frencih Republic
IRS returned from his misaion, and iit s generally anderstood rein- fecta. If the official documents, of which an abstract has 'been published this week in the Times, are genuine, the President is now in possession of the ultimatum of the " Legitimate " So've- reigns on his application to be adopted into their fraternity. They will connive at his usurpation of sovereignty in France for life ; but so long as one Bourbon exists they can recognize no other person as hereditary sovereign of that country ; and they hold themselves bound and justified by the treaties of 1815 to oppose the establish- ment of a Bonapartist dynasty there. The three Great Northern Powers, it would seem, are combining to resuscitate the principles of the Holy Affiance, and to impose them upon the European sys- tem of states as the international law, notwithstanding the events of the last two-and-twenty years have rendered them practically obsolete. The danger of this pertinacious assertion of the despotic theory is, that, combined with the manifesto of the Count de (ihanibord, it may afford President Bonaparte a pretext for re- claiming the eventuality under which he reserved to himself a right to assume the imperial title ; and may, by inflaming the nationality of the French people, give him in addition to the brute force and low cunning upon which he has hitherto relied, the sup- port of an honourable however mistaken popular enthusiasm.