29 MAY 1852, Page 21


Tuesday, May 25.

PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEn.-T. and F. Summers, Little Britain, gold-beaters Freeman and Hart, Dover, coal-merchants-Steele and Forrister, Trentham, brick- makers-Thrupp and Co. George Street, Portman Square, coach-makers ; as far as regards C. Henshaw-Newton and Co. Liverpool, cement-dealers ; as far as regards R. Wilkin-Wood and Walker, Manchester, shirt-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. J. Wood-Lord and Warburton, Shaw, Lancashire, cotton-waste-dealers-Sars- field and Downing, Liverpool, metal-merchants-Hickman and Pearson, and Hick- man, Brothers, and Pearson, Bilston, iron-merchants-Fisher and Joce. Barnstaple, wine-dealers-Cartwright and Evans, Tipton. iron-founders-Taylor and Co. Brother- ton, glass-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. Taylor-Swain s and Laidler, Whitby, rope-makers-Vaughan and Sheldon, Austinfriars, merchants -Melland and Co. Manchester, manufacturers of checks; as far as regards E. Coward sen.-T. J. and T. Roberts, Manchester, provision-dealers-Stilwell and Fletcher, Thomas Street, Oxford Street, saw-makers-Wild and Spencer, Bradford, Yorkshire, cotton-warp- sizers-Legg and Pope, Liverpool, shipwrights-Robinson and Newman, Jewry Street, Aldpte, clothiers-E. IL and C. Payne, Bath, goldsmiths-The North Bri- tish Australasian Loan and Investment Company ; as far as regards G. Thompson jun. and II. Adamson. BANKRTIPT8.-JOHN BAILEY CAPPER, Montpelier Vale, Blackheath, chemist, to surrender June 3, 29: solicitor, Atkinson, Quality Court ; official assignee, John- son, Basinghall Street-Jona DAVIS RANDALL and GEORGE THOMAS Dimes, Greek Street, leathersellers, June 4, 29: solicitor. Fraser, Dean Street, Soho; official as- signee, Johnson, Basmghall Street-CHARLES STANLEY, Hastings, tailor, June 4, 29: solicitor, Fraser, Dean Street, Soho; official assignee, Bell, Coleman etreet Build- ings-EiszA BARB, Grosvenor Street West, dress-maker, June 8, July 5: solicitors, Coombe and Nickoll, Bridge Street, Westminster ; official assignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court-ALBERT PINNEBERO, litrtford, builder, May 29, July 3: solicitors, Piercy and Hawks, Three Crown Court, Southwark ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-HENRY BRETT, Portsea, grocer, June 4, July 9: solicitors, Low, Chancery Lane ; Low and Son, Portsea ; official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury- FaArCis SADLER, Fore Street, furnishing-undertaker, June 5, July 9: solicitor, Lloyd, Milk Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street - HENRY BRIDGES, Canterbury, victualler, June 5, July 9: solicitors, Venour, Gray's Inn; Furleys and Mercer, Canterbury; official assignee, Whitmore, BasinghallStreet-JoRAH Bowarsr, Walsall, currier. June 8, 30: solicitors, Britain, Bristol; Moore, Walsall; James, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-WILLIAM VEALE MATTHEW% Yeovil, druggist, June 3, 29: solicitors, Slade and Vining, Yeovil; Terrell, Exeter; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter-JOHN BURNLEY, Batley, cloth-manufacturer,' June 10, July 9: solicitor, Blackburn, Leeds ; official assignee, Freeman, Leeds- JOHN lima, Wakefield, corn-merchant, June 8, 29: solicitors, Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. DIVIDENDS.-June 15, Wood, Wardour Street, upholsterer-June 15, Beaumont, Leman Street, engineer-June 17, Curties, York Street, Westminster, cheesemongcr

- June 17, Solomons, Basinghall Street, merchant-June 18, W. and 3. Pile, Monk- wearmoutb, ship-builders-June 17, Harris, Dursley, Gloucestershire, wool-broker -June 17, Brown Bristol-June 24, Lister, Painswick, clothier. Ccamermums.-27h be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of. weeting.-June 17, Lillywhite sen. Cumb, rland Place, Brixton Rise, farrier-June 16, Heard, Woodbridge, brewer-June 16, Haynes, London Street, Paddington, wheel- wright-June 16, Kisch, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, tailor-June 15, Lord, Ashton-under-Lyne, boot-maker-June 17. Ford and Hadfield, Glossop, paper- manufacturers-June 18, Byrom and Co. Manchester, coal-proprietors-June 17, Steadman and Bakewell, Manchester,joiners. DECLARATIONS OF DivinErns.-Player, Braintree, grocer; second div. of 2d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Meats, Conduit Street, Hanover Square, grocer ; first div. af la. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Elliot, Chi- chester, builder ; further div, of nd. on account of first div. of 78.34d. any Wednes- day; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Cook, Assembly Row, Mile End Road, builder; first div. of 1s. 3d. any Wednesday: Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bate, New Wind- sor, builder; first div. of 108. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bacon, Walton, Somersetshire, tailor ; first div. of 38. Id. any Tuesday; Hirtzel, Exeter- Cockings, Torquay, timber-merchant; first div. of nd. any Tuesday ; Hirtzel, Exeter

- Boobyer, Tavistock, ironmonger ; first dir. of 9t. any Tuesday; Hirtzel, Exeter- Harris, Camborne, Cornwall, grocer; first div. of 4s. Gd. any Tuesday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Morris, Stourbridge, grocer ; second div. of 3s. 6d. May 27, or any subse- quent Thursday ; Valpy, Birmingham. &Owe SEQuEsTRATIONS.-Harper, Ayr, writer, May 23, June 18-Birse, Dundee, merchant; May 29, June 17-M'Gown, Glasgow, tavern-keeper, May 31, June 21.

Friday, May 28.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Ogley and Thompson, Hill-top Brewery, Conisbrough, brewers-Dufton and Hattersley, Leeds, painters-Hay and Paget, Kent Street, Southwark, victuallers-Holmes and Co. Bradford, linen-drapers-The Bedlinfton

Iron Company and Longridge and Co. Bedlington, Northumberland. and Longridgeand Co. Mansionhouse Place, engineers; as far as regards J. A. Longridge and J. W. Reynolds-Pawling and Co. Shrivenham, Berkshire, farmers-W. and R. Ferguson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, butter-merchants-Hooper and Sons, Queenhithe, importers of foreign wines ; as far as regards R. V. Hooper-W. and C. Longfield, Bradford, Yorkshire, linen-drapers-Smith and Fox, Batley Carr, Yorkshire, mill-owners - Oppenheim and Joyce, Old Broad Street, commission-merchants-Sears, Brothers, Penton Street, Pentonville, booksellers-Davies and Co. Ystradgydlan' Brecon- shire, limestone-traders-Caldicott and Co. Cheapside ; as far as regards W. J. Powell -Staniforth and Co. Hackenthorpe, Derbyshire, sithe-manufacturers ; as far as re- gards J. Stanifortb.

BAranurroma ANNULLED.-E. Colinas, Blackfriars Road, cheesemonger-A. Etimotionon, Crescent Road, Millbank, coal-merchant. BANICUPTS.-ROBERT HARLAND Warm:cm, Putney, apothecary, to surrender June I. July 3: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers-Roamer Boca, Church Street, Hackney, builder, June 4, July 16: solicitor, Peddell, Cheapside; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury- WILLIAM ROWLAND HILL, Birmingham, silversmith, June 7, 19: solicitor, Stan- bridge, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-TuomAs FRANCIS MILLAR, Bath, publisher, June 10, July 13: solicitor, Ilellings, Bath; official as- signee, Miller, Bristol-JOHN Snsesor LEAKS, Sandbach, Cheshire, salt-merchant, June 10, July 8: solicitors. Keary and Sheppard, Stoke-upon-Trent ; official assig- nee. Bird, Liverpool-WILLIAM HOWARD HEOINBOTTOM, Manchester, hosier, June 11, July 2: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Lee, Manchester -Timms MARSDEN and Join; CLAYTON, Rochdale, cotton-manufacturers, June 11, July 2: solicitors, Harris, Rochdale ; Sutton, Manchester ; official assignee, Mac- kenzie, Manchester-HE:my Evers. Ilchester, carpenter, June 8, July 2:

Garland and Fear, Sherborne; Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter. DrP/DF.NDS.-June 22, Hamley, Crockemwell, Devonshire, victualler-June 24, Barnjuni, Pall Mall East, wine-merchant-June 24. Cerito, Mincing Lane, merchant -June 24, Wilson, Eton, bookseller-June 18, Worms. Blackfnars Road, boot- maker-June 18, Law, Harrow Road, batter-June 18, Norris, Watford, grocer- June 19, Cogar, Newgate Street, boot-dealer-June 22, Henville, Chideock, Dorset- ire, miller-June 22. Hayman, Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire, apothecary-June 28, Womersley junior, Huddersfield, ironmonger-June 18, Sharp, Liverpool, mer- chant.

CERITPICATES.-7b be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of 'nee-ling.-June 19, Cygar, Newgate Street, boot-maker-June 19, Barnes, Margaret- Leg, Essex, milkman-June 21, IVeS011, Stokesley, Yorkshire, builder-June 18,

Colquhoun, Woolwich, money-scrivener-June 21, W. and J. Todd, Liverpool, pro- vision-merchants-June 18, Adcock, Manchester, hotelkeeper-June 28, Bates and Williamson, Halifax, brewers-June 28, Womersley junior. Huddersfield, ironmon. ger-June 29, Chadwick, Leeds, grocer. DECLARATIONS or DIPIDENDS.-Anderson, Wellington. Salop, mercer ; first div. of

any Thursday; Valpy, Birmingham-Dalton and Edwards, Birmingham, iron- founders ; first div. of 28. 91d. any Thursday before the 31st of July; Whitmore, Bir- mingham-Barker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant ; first and final div. of Sid. May 29. or any subsequent Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Robson, South Shields, boat-builder, first and second div. of 9s. 9d. on new proofs, and final dividend of 9d. on total proofs, on Saturday, June 5, or any subsequent Sa- turday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Common, North Shields, draper; first and final div. of Is. 101d. on Saturday, June 5, or any subsequent Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Long, Vere Street, Oxford Street, importer of lace ; first div„ of la. 3d. May 29, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abcburch Lane-West- ley, Playhouse Yard ; first div, of la. 3d. ?day 29, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Woodbridge, Mincing Lane, colonial-broker ; second and final div. of 1143. May 29, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane -Laws, Waltham Abbey, linen-draper ; first. div. of 2s. 7d. May 29, and three sub- sequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Notting, Poole, currier; third div. of 10d. and 6s. 7d. on new proofs, May 29, and three subsequent Saturdays; Ed- wards, Sambrook Court.

Smarm SERIJESTRATIONS.-M'Culloch, Daily, Ayrshire, farmer, June 5, 26-Hy;. lop, Cumnoek, Ayrshire, grocer, June ; 24.