29 MAY 1858, Page 20


A second instalment of Mr. H. Wallis's collection of pictures is on view at this gallery. The works, numbering 132, are mostly familiar to our exhibition visitors. They include the admirably powerful winter street-scene of Alfred Stevens, entitled " Charity " ; a remarkable land- scape with figures by Anthony, " The Harvest llome Festival" ; an early Hook, ` Music," after the Eastlake manner ; Egg's "Dame Ur- sula and Margaret," from The Fortunes of Nigel ; an excellent specimen of the Vienna artist Waldmiiller, who has very few rivals among his countrymen for living expression and bright painting; some noticeable Linnells ; and a " Hunting Panther," by Verlat, very. true and spirited in action ; with specimens of many other painters, eminent or popular.